Easter Cookies/Lesson

This lesson/cookie idea comes from Mary Kate Warner

Here's an excellent, fun way to recount the story of Jesus'
death and the wonder of Easter: Easter cookies.

Each step of the way allows a chance to
read from the Bible and discuss the
varying contributions Jesus made.

To begin this lesson, gather one cup of
whole pecans, one teaspoon of vinegar,
three egg whites, a pinch of salt, one cup
of sugar, a zip lock sandwich baggie, a wooden
spoon, an electric mixer, wax paper, cookie
sheets, tape, and a Bible.

Preheat the oven to 300 degree Fahrenheit.

Place the pecans into the zip lock baggies,
and break them into smaller pieces with the
wooden spoon. Explain how Jesus was
beaten by the Roman soldiers after he was
arrested, and read John 19:1-3.

Next, add the vinegar to the mixing bowl and
tell the children that Jesus was given vinegar
to drink while he was on the cross. Read John
19:28-30. Add the egg whites to the bowl,
explaining that eggs represent life and how
Jesus gave his life to us by reading John 10:10-11.

Now add a pinch of salt to the bowl to represent
the tears shed by Jesus' disciples and followers
after his death. Have each child taste the salt to
remind them of the bitterness of sin.
At this point, read Luke 23:27.

The next step is to add the sugar while telling
the children how the sweetest part of Jesus' story
is that he died because he loves us. To reinforce
this notion, read Psalm 34:8 or John 3:16.

Beat the mixture with the mixer on high
speed for 12 to 15 minutes. Have the children
take turns beating the mixture until stiff peaks
are formed. Next, fold in the pecans and drop
by teaspoons onto cookie sheets covered
with wax paper. Read Matthew 27:57-60 to
explain how each cookie represents the tomb
where Jesus' body was laid to rest.

Put the cookies in the oven and close the oven
door. Turn the oven off and seal it with tape to
represent the way that Jesus' tomb was sealed
off. Read Matthew 27:65-66. Now the
children will have to wait until after the
service finishes to eat their cookies. Read John
16:20 and 22 to learn about how Jesus' disciples
and followers were saddened by the sealing of
his tomb.

Finally, once the service is finished, open
the oven and distribute the cookies which
are hollow on the inside, which serves to
represent the empty tomb after Jesus rose.

(The cookies should bake for about 10 minutes.
They can stay in the turned off oven for up
to 15 minutes, then should be taken out to cool
after that)

The culmination of this craft is Matthew 28:1-9, which
speaks of Jesus' rise from the dead. Not only is this
a tasty way to end the Easter lesson, it also reinforces
many of the important ideas from this time of the year:
how Jesus gives us life, that Jesus loves us all
unconditionally, and the bitterness of sin.